AECB CreditReport 2.4.2
Credit Report: Your Credit Report is a document that includesyourpersonal identity information, details of your credit cards,loansand other credit facilities, along with your payments andbouncedcheques history. It is mostly used by financial institutionstoassess the credit standing of an individual or company,whenreviewing an application for a loan, credit card or othercreditfacilities. It is also used by other entities suchastelecommunication, car rental and leasing, insurance andrealestate companies. Credit Score: Your Credit Score is athree-digitnumber that predicts how likely you are to make yourloan andcredit card payments on time. The number ranges from 300(very highrisk of default) to 900 (very low risk of default). YourCreditScore uses an algorithm based on modern predictiveanalyticsmethodologies used by multiple credit bureaus andbanksinternationally. It changes according to your paymentbehavior,making payments on or before the due date and not bouncingcheques,reducing the number of credit cards and other creditfacilities andconsistently reducing outstanding balances willimprove your CreditScore.   First Time Users Step 1: Scan yourEmirates ID Step2: Review your details and choose your password toregister Step 3:Choose your Product: Step 4: Choose the recipientsyou would liketo share your report with Step 5: Complete yourpayment by Debit orCredit Card. Step 6: View your Score and receiveyour PDF reportvia email within minutes.     ExistingUsers: Step 1:Login with your AECB credentials Step 2: Choose thetype of reportyou want to buy Step 3: Choose the recipients youwould like toshare your report with Step 4: Complete payment usingexisting cardor by adding a new debit or credit card Step 5: Viewyour Score andreceive your PDF report via email within minutes.  Help andSupport: Data Correction: We strive to ensure thatdata supplier tous is correct. If this is not the case, it iscritical that it iscorrected. To resolve inaccurate information inyour report, youwill need to contact your banks and financialinstitutions who cancorrect and update your records. A list of allour Data Providerscontact details is available within the App.Contact Us: We arealways happy to hear your comments andsuggestion. Fill in yourdetails and let us know what you think, andour team will get backto you.
ChequeScore 1.2.2
Did you know that Al Etihad Credit Bureau (AECB) now issuesscoresfor cheques? We are excited to inform you that you can nowknow thepossibility of a cheque to bounce with a new simple andinnovativeapp from AECB, ChequeScore. Cheque Score: The ChequeScore predictsthe likelihood of a cheque to bounce in the next 9months on afive-point scale,, ranging from very low risk to veryhigh risk. Itis an important tool to assess the risk of acceptingchequepayments, especially for small and medium enterprises forwhichpost-dated cheques provide a necessary business lifeline.FirstTime Users Step 1: Register with a new account Step 2: Scanthecheque and confirm the details You will instantly get aChequeScore displayed on your screen, On our app you can keep trackofall your scanned and issued cheques in one place, and you canalsosend reminders to notify the issuer when the cheque is due.